Saturday, July 10, 2010

A-Z again....

Since I have been out of the "tech" world for about two months now on vacation, the easiest way to give a quick update is an A-Z.

A- All is well! We arrived back home on Monday at about 7 a.m. after driving all night...we had fun but it's always nice to be back home!
B- Bass, we have a new neighbor upstairs, I think he will drive me NUTS before we move in a month!
C- Charity! We received so much from Tom's brother Jared and his family!
D- Duncan Family Reunion, we had one...with Tom's family in Utah, it's our annual SLC trip. We had a lot of fun, going to Lagoon, the Children's Museum, The Mayan etc.
E- Eat, we ate way too much, and gained a few unwanted pounds, but we are working them off....
F- Friends, it was SO great to get together with friends while we were home, especially Gus and Mara. It's so funny how when you live close, you don't realize how nice it is, till you're gone.
G- Girls...Elliana is definitely a girl...she loves to wear my high heels (I will post a pic soon), and drag around my purse. Always pointing out her pretties (necklace) and her bows.
H- Hello, one of Elli's new favorite words, she grabs the phone and says, "ello".
I - Ice cold in Idaho! Holy cow, we had to borrow clothes from Gus and Mara for Elli because it was SO cold!!!
J- Joke, what a joke to be gone for two months....never again friends, never again!
K- Kind, though we were gone two months, we were blessed with family to take care of us!
L- Laughs, we had so many fun times and gut busting experiences!
M- Movies, we LOVED being able to go to the movies, with no sitter fee!
N- of Elli's other favorite words, NO Mom! Yes, she's sassy, and my mom says I deserve it!
O- Oh...the fireworks were GREAT in IF this year, and OH is all Elli could say! They are said to be the #2 fireworks in the Nation, Philly being number1
P- Potty, we are going to start potty training soon, after Tom goes back to school and we get settled in our new home.
Q- Question; am I crazy to be moving across town? I hope not! We are moving to almost 1300 square feet for 30 dollars more a month!
R- Relaxation, is what we will be doing here for the next month til Tom starts school!
S- Swimming, is something we do often here! Elli loves it, and the pool is SO close! I will get pictures and post them soon.
T- Tom...I love you babe! So glad to spend our summer together!
U- Umbrella, we need one here in Denver, it rains almost nightly! Apparently it's....normal?
V- Very sad...Elli was very sad to leave her new friend Nathan (NA NA)...she balled when we made her leave the house!
W- Watch out world, we have a spoiled toddler in the house!
X- Xnay on nap time....NOT, well, Elli thinks it is time for no more naps, but Mommy, she still needs her nap. Hopefully it's just a "short" phase....
Y-You, hopefully you enjoyed reading this!
Z- a place Elli loves to be. She loves animals, especially Cows, and Dogs.

Pictures to come soon! Back to my weekly updates now that I'm back home! Love you all!

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