Saturday, January 22, 2011

Elli & Brigham

We have a cousin Brigham who is very sick, we pray for him EVERY night and EVERY morning, and any other time we are praying. Elli loves to pray with us and she loves to pray for baby Bigham. We are praying and having faith that all will be right, because only Heavenly Father knows best. As hard as that is sometimes.

Elli is still really struggling with the whole sleeping all night thing, and I was just letting her cry (tough love) but we received a complaint that we were too noisy.... :( Any and all suggestions are welcome! Here is a picture of my baby girl! She will be 2 next month, I can't believe it!!!

1 comment:

The Baxters said...

Obviously your neighbors dont have babies... or else their's are perfect angels!JK. I dont know... Wylie has trouble sleeping in his crib and I always worry it will disturb the neighbors if I just let him cry it out. Hard to know what to do... Maybe a warm bath right before bed. That seems to help my little one.