Tom and I received our rotation schedule about a week ago, and we are moving away from Denver. This brings VERY mixed feelings. We love living here, and love our ward and apartment. But it is so expensive to live here. Our 2 bedroom apartment here runs us $1,000 dollars a month, and utilities are just as outrageous! We are very sad to be leaving Parker and all our friends and "new family". I am especially sad to leave behind my good friend Jessica! At least she visits Utah often, I think that's the only thing that is keeping us from both having a breakdown! I will miss her VERY VERY much and Elliana and Zharius are going to have a rough time being apart I think.
House hunting while in Denver for a place in Provo is very stressful. Because I'm not there and I don't know where is a good area. And as spoiled as I am; it's hard, because I really want, I said want, not need, 2 bathrooms! Especially with Elliana potty trained, and having had 2 bathrooms for the last year, I don't know that I really want to go back to just having one bathroom.
I feel like I'm rambling, here's a picture of the library in our will be new hometown.